Coming to WTTW: Our Soldiers, Our Lady of Guadalupe

If you've caught the new Chicago Stories series on Channel 11 - Jane Byrne, Mad Men of Chicago, the Union Stockyards, and more, you already know how intriguing they are for us archivists and hopefully for the entire Chicagoland.

This Friday, a neighborhood long served by the Claretian Missionaries is featured on Chicago Stories: Our Soldiers, Our Lady of Guadalupe. It will air on April 29, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time.

WTTW describes it like this:

This is the story of pride and heartbreak in a close-knit south side community. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chicago's first and oldest Mexican-American parish, lost 12 young men in the Vietnam War during a brutal five-year period. These young men came from a proud military heritage, and some felt they owed a debt of gratitude to America. But, as the war dragged on and antiwar protests escalated, some in this patriotic community began to question why Mexican-Americans bore a disproportionate brunt of an unpopular war.

Watch it on TV or with this link (after 4/29/2022)