Introductory Archives Workshop for Religious Communities

The Catholic Library Association is pleased to announce the fourth Introductory Archives Workshop for Religious Communities to be held at the Techny Towers Conference and Retreat Center, Techny, IL from July 25-30, 2010. The 5-day intensive program is directed toward individuals who are interested in learning about archival theory and practice or who wish to update their archival training.

Unlike other archival workshops, the sessions will focus on the unique types of records found in the archives of men’s and women’s religious communities. These records document not only the communities themselves, but also the evolution of Catholicism in the United States, and its impact on educational, social and charitable institutions that shaped the nation’s history.

The program, directed by professional religious archivists, will include lectures, tours, and opportunities for sharing experiences.

Complete program and registration information and a registration form are posted on the Catholic Library Association website at, or contact the CLA at or phone 413-443-2252.