News Release

Introductory Archives Workshop for Religious Communities: A Success!

The fourth Introductory Archives Workshop for Religious Communities was held at the Techny Conference and Retreat Center in Techny, Illinois from July 25-30, 2010. Thirty-five lay and religious archivists representing thirty-three communities from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom attended the workshop. Once again, Ellen Pierce, Director of the Maryknoll Mission Archives and Malachy R. McCarthy of the Claretian Missionaries Archives USA directed the workshop. This year, David Malone, Archivist at Wheaton College (IL) gave a presentation on content management systems focusing on ARCHON and Patricia Lawton, Digital Project Librarian of the Catholic Research Resources Alliance [CRRA] provided an informative lecture introducing participants to CRRA and the development of an open access research portal:  Visits to the Robert M. Meyer/SVD Archives at Techny and Catholic Archive Collaborative/Claretian-Cenacle Archives in Chicago highlighted the rigorous educational program. The next workshop will again be offered in 2012. If you wish to reserve a place, please contact CLA headquarters at

In order to further the continuing education of the 139 graduates of the CLA introductory archives programs and archivists of religious communities, we are developing two workshops during 2011: an intermediate archives workshop and digitization workshop. Further information on these programs will be posted on the web:

Malachy R. McCarthy

N E W S  R E L E A S E
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 21, 2010                                           
Contact: Malachy R. McCarthy   (312-544-8219)

Joliet Historical Muesum Exhibit

It's finally scheduled - interested CARA members will meet on Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010 for an extra fun activity at the Joliet Historical Museum to see the special exhibition on the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immacualate. We plan to meet at 11 AM at the museum, enjoy lunch together and also tour the archives of the Sisters. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Joan Sweeney, CARA Communications Coordinator via e-mail: Hope to see you there!

For details on the exhibit, admission, directions and parking check out the Joliet Historical Museum website. Follow this link to learn more about the history of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate.

More news to come soon on the Fall CARA meeting to be held in late October - early November.

CARA in SAA Newsletter

Did you see the latest edition of SAA Archival Outlook - Jul/Aug 2010? Well, turn to page 13 in your copy and you'll see "How Chicago Archivists Leverage Special Interests" written by Susan Rishworth, American College of Surgeons; Malachy McCarthy, Claretian Archives USA; David Malone, Wheaton College; and Diane Pugh, American Theological Library Association. There is a photo, as well, of CARA members when we toured the Billy Graham Center Archives. SAA members can log in and view an electronic copy of the issue.

This article is based on the MAC presentation given at the 2010 Spring meeting by the above authors. Well done, colleagues!

Movin' up and out

CARA member, Anthony Elia, is starting a new job this week in New York City at Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary - they share their theology library. He will be the head of public services at the Burke Theology Library which is the largest theological collection in North America (700,000+books). He will also coordinate the rare books and teach a course. Learn more about the Burke Library.

Anthony just returned from Puerto Rico where he taught a workshop on designing online courses and creating animation for theological schools. He's been busy this summer!

Anthony previously worked at the JKM Library, the theological library of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and McCormick Theological Seminary where he was an Associate Librarian in Reference and Instruction.

We wish Anthony the best and will miss him at our CARA meetings - Chicago has lost a good one! Good luck and congratulations, Anthony!

Anthony promises to let us know how he is doing! Remember to check out his blog "On Books and Biblios" to see what he discovers in the NY book scene.